
PIE vs. PIH —

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) & Post-inflammatory erythema (PIE) - both are the result of inflammation often in the wake of pimples (and often the trauma we cause by picking them!!) but what’s the difference? and how can you deal with these unwanted post-breakout “souvenirs”🙃 …

PIH is a melanin response that leaves a dark mark on the skin.

• it can happen when a pimple is irritated by picking or squeezing.

• it can be the result of an injury to the skin from a scratch, heat, UV exposure, or chemical burn.

• it tends to be more common in darker skin types because of the abundance of melanin.


PIE appears as pink or red marks on the surface of the skin.

• it’s a vascular response to inflammation or irritation. Capillaries just under the surface of the skin are stimulated by the inflammation creating a surge of blood in the area as a healing mechanism.

• PIE is also caused by picking at pimples, UV exposure, chemicals, injury, or irritation. It is common on lighter skin types

Now instead of covering them up daily with concealer, we can rejuvenate the skin and reduce them completely. Best treatments to target both types of marks = python peel & microneedling series (either full face or spot treatments) PLUS proper home care routine to support the results of treatments. We suggest Glow Pads, Condition Serum, Balance Balm for post care healing and skin barrier maintenance.

Melissa Baker